Organisation Details

Please note: The organisation’s name should generally be the same as the bank account name.

Type a few key words from your organisation’s name to check if it is already on our grants database.


Organisation's Physical Address Details - Please complete in full




(If unknown click here)


Organisation’s postal address details - if different from physical address

(If unknown click here)
Main Contact Person
This is the person we will call if we have further questions concerning this applications.
Please note: At least one contact person required.
Office Holders
Please name your organisation's main office holders as appropriate.
Please note: At least two office holders required.
Legal status
Legal status - Please complete the appropriate section below
If ticked, type in the Certificate of Incorporation number

Please note: if you do not know your organisation's Certificate of Incorporation number click on this link to take you to the Companies Office website to determine the number.

If ticked, type in the Charities Commission number

Please note: if you do not know your organisation's Charities Commission number, click on this link to take you to the Charitries Commission website to determine the number.
Alternative forms of Legal Status

If ticked, type in the name of the regional or national body

Please note: proof of current affiliation needs to be included with this application. For Example, an amateur sports group needs to be affiliated to a Sport NZ regional or national organisation.

Note applicant: an application from a schoool needs to include a letter from the principal, on school letterhead, endorsing the application for funding.

Note to applicant: proof of tax exemption status will need to be included with this application.
Financial statements
Please tick.

Note to applicant: you will be required to upload a copy of your organisation's latest Financial Statements, together with original bank verification before submitting this application. Verification can be in the form of bank statement, or a bank encoded deposit slip, or hand-written or printed bank details which have been stamped and verified by the bank.
Bank Account Details


Please note: A TTCF grant is classed as a donation. If you are GST registered a TTCF grant will exclude GST. If you are not GST registered, a TTCF grant will include GST.

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